Japón, 19 de marzo de 2025.- Nissan anunció importantes actualizaciones en su organización y estructura de liderazgo, parte integral de los planes de transformación de la compañía y como continuación de los cambios anunciados recientemente en el comité ejecutivo la semana pasada.
Para optimizar la velocidad y la eficiencia en la toma de decisiones, la alta dirección de Nissan adoptará un sistema de gestión de un solo nivel, sin cargos directivos. Todos los directivos corporativos asumirán a partir de ahora el cargo de Ejecutivo Corporativo (Corporate Executive). Este cambio supondrá una reducción del 20% en los puestos de alta dirección, creando una organización optimizada y sin fronteras.
Esto también forma parte del compromiso de Nissan de mejorar la eficiencia en la toma de decisiones mediante la simplificación de los niveles organizativos y la ampliación del ámbito de control. Estos cambios están diseñados para empoderar a las regiones y establecer roles y responsabilidades claros dentro de la organización.
Estos cambios entrarán en vigor el 1 de abril.
Nombramientos de ejecutivos corporativos o cambios de alcance
Nombre | Nueva posición | Posición actual |
Jose Roman | Corporate Executive Global Sales & Marketing |
Senior Vice President Global Sales, Global INFINITI |
Alfonso Albaisa | Corporate Executive Global Design, Brand Champion |
Senior Vice President Global Design |
Takashi Yoshizawa | Corporate Executive Research & Advanced Engineering Strategy, Software Defined Vehicle Engineering Division |
Corporate Vice President EE and Systems Engineering, Connected Car and Services Engineering Div. |
Tatsuzo Tomita | Corporate Executive Vehicle Planning and Vehicle Component Engineering Division concurrent with Chief of Total delivered Cost (TdC) Transformation |
Corporate Vice President Product Development Div. No.2 |
Akira Sugimoto | Corporate Executive M&S Japan |
Division GM, Japan Sales Div. |
Francois Bailly | Corporate Executive Vehicle Programs |
Chief Planning Officer, AMIEO |
Yukinori Yamamoto | Corporate Executive Global General Counsel |
Vice President Legal Dept. |
Masashi Matsuyama | Corporate Executive Monozukuri Strategy and Partnerships |
Vice President Corporate Strategy and Business Development Div. President, NCIC |
Masayuki Fukuda | Corporate Executive Product Development Div. No.2 |
General Manager Product Development Dept. No.1 |
Mineyuki Saotome | Corporate Executive Manufacturing Strategy Planning Division, SCM Division, Global BCP Management |
Vice President Plant Director, Tochigi Plant |
Shunji Suzuki | Corporate Executive Vehicle Production Engineering and Development Division |
Division General Manager Vehicle Production Engineering and Development Div. |
Yutaka Saito | Corporate Executive Corporate Strategy and Business Development |
Division General Manager, Corporate Strategy and Business Development Div. Program Director |
Nombramientos de vicepresidente o cambio de alcance
Nombre | Nueva posición | Posición actual |
Richard Candler | Vice President Product Planning |
Program Director |
Daisuke Kai | Vice President SDV&CCS |
Division General Manager Advanced Features and Service Platform Division concurrent with Program Director |
Tomoki Eguchi | Vice President Plant Director, Tochigi Plant |
General Manager Vehicle Production Engineering and Development, New Model Production Preparation Engineering Center |
Tomohiro Fukuoka | Vice President MFG/SCM Turnaround Acceleration |
Vice President Partnership Transformation Office |
Kenichi Kawamata | Vice President Treasury |
Division General Manager Treasury Department |
Yoshimi Shida | Vice President Corporate Management and Governance |
Vice President Corporate Governance, Corporate Management, Office of the board of directors |
Osamu Goto | Vice President External Affairs |
Vice President External Affairs, IP Promotion, Corporate Service |
Jubilación y traslados de directivos y vicepresidentes
Los siguientes directivos y vicepresidentes se jubilarán o serán transferidos a sus puestos actuales a finales de marzo.
Nombre | Nueva posición | Posición actual |
Takao Asami | ー | Senior Vice President Research Center, Advanced Engineering Division |
Takashi Hata | ー | Senior Vice President Chairperson of Management Committee for Affiliate Companies, Administration Dept. for Affiliated Companies, Global Asset Management |
Allyson Witherspoon |
Nissan North America US Chief Marketing Officer (*) |
Corporate Vice President Global Marketing, Brand, Merchandising |
Catherine Perez | Appointed to a position within the Nissan Group | Corporate Vice President Partnership Operations & Performance |
Toshihiro Hirai | Appointed to a position within the Nissan Group | Senior Vice President Powertrain & EV Engineering Division |
Masaaki Kanda | Appointed to a position within the Nissan Group | Corporate Vice President M&S Japan |
Yukio Ito | Appointed to a position within the Nissan Group | Corporate Vice President Global Customer Experience, Connected Car Service |
Yutaka Sanada | Appointed to a position within the Nissan Group | Corporate Vice President Corporate Strategy and Business Development Division |
Daisuke Masunaga | Appointed to a position within the Nissan Group | Vice President Global IS/IT Strategy Planning & Control |
Pierre Loing | Appointed to a position within the Nissan Group | Vice President Product Planning |
Junichi Endo | (**) | Senior Vice President M&S Japan-ASEAN |
Hitoshi Mano | (**) | Senior Vice President Manufacturing Strategy Planning Division, SCM Division, Global BCP Management |
Joji Tagawa | (**) | Senior Vice President Chief Sustainability Officer, Corporate Service, Crisis Management and Security, Environment / Sustainability, External Affairs, IP customer business development |
Sadayuki Hamaguchi | (**) | Fellow Corporate Affairs |
(*) Continuará apoyando la actividad global y asumirá una función adicional como Asesor Global de Marca, además de ser miembro del Comité Directivo de Marca Global y del Comité de Nombre (Naming Committee).
(**) Brindará asistencia transitoria para cada área respectiva durante un período posterior a abril de 2025.